Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Toddler Diet

Posted by Sarah at Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I have never been much a fitness/health guru, but since Little Man was born I have transformed into The. Food. Police.

We are what we eat, right? What we eat and how we take care of our bodies can be such a controversial and emotionally-charged subject. I think that it's about more than just food. We're nourishing our bodies and, really, there's not much that's more important than that. I want to give Little Man healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Here's a sample of what he's been eating lately.

Breakfast: 4 oz. of whole milk
oatmeal OR whole wheat toast with ricotta OR pancakes OR scrambled eggs

Snack: 4 oz. of whole milk
chopped veggies (tomato, asparagus, or whatever we have on hand)

Lunch: 4 oz. of whole milk
chopped veggies (zucchini, squash, peas, or carrots)
shredded turkey and cheese on a whole-wheat pita

Dinner: 4 oz. of whole milk + whatever we are eating.


Michelle on December 30, 2009 at 8:46 AM said...

If you can keep that up, more power to you. We can't get Peanut to drink milk so we give her plenty of cheese and yogurt. Veggies usually have to be folded into some kind of meat mixture or pasta with parmesan cheese. She does love risotto.

Sarah on December 30, 2009 at 9:14 AM said...

We are very lucky with Little Man. He is a great eater! He's always loved vegetables and rarely turns his nose up at any type of food. You'd think that we're starving the poor kid!

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