Oh how fun -- and terribly messy.
We've started to introduce Little Man to table food. Whatever we eat (within reason), he eats. I thought this would be NO BIG DEAL since we had already mastered the spoon. Wrong. Everything we put in, comes right back out. Only once that terrible food has been expelled from his mouth, does Little Man begin to chew. It's like we've started right back at the beginning.
At the suggestion of a friend, I've put some puffs on his high chair and he willingly grabs, smacks, whaps, and crunches the puffs. But, he does not eat them. Sometimes, he will tease his poor mother and put them near his mouth, but he does not actually ingest them. I've tried mashed potatoes and those were great fun to flick and fling all over the place, but no eating. (To be fair, maybe once, by accident, did he get the potatoes in his mouth.)
And, since we're talking about food here, let's have a nice picture of Little Man eating. Isn't he cute with his dinner smeared all over his face?
So, I think this is going to be a case of wait-and-see. Eventually, he will get the hang of it, and then I will miss the days when he needed me to feed him.
I remember really hating that whole transition from nursing to solid foods. I know lots of people look forward to it, but I am kind of a clean freak, so the inevitable Mess with a capital M at every.single.meal got old reeeeal fast. Good luck and I hope that the fun of flinging food wears off quickly for your Little Man!
I always wish I could take a lonnnnnnng nap between "not feeding self" and "feeding self neatly."
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