Friday, January 1, 2010

Word of the Year: Present

Posted by Sarah at Friday, January 01, 2010
I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions and then I read this and this.

Erin at Mo Mommy decided to choose a word to focus on for her year. She chose Quiet. Sarah at Semi-Desperate Housewife took the challenge and chose Perspective -- two great choices and something I could also work on! But, during the last week I've been thinking about what I could do to be a better mother and create a better life for my family.

My word is going to be "present." I want to live in the moment more. I've noticed that I'm always thinking ahead to the next chore, milestone, or challenge. Our days, weeks, even months are crammed and over-scheduled with to-do lists, chores, outings ... life and it feels so chaotic and squished that we don't even have time to just enjoy each other.

So here's what I'm going to do to be more "present" this year:

1. I'm going to "unplug" at least one day per week. No television, no Internet, no texting. Just us.

2. I'm going to write about my efforts each month to stay focused on my goal.

3. This one is going to be hard, but I'm at least going to try it: I'm going to multi-task less. I'm going to pick one thing and do it. Then, I'll move on to the chore or activity and do that. No more cooking dinner, talking on the phone and facebooking at the same time. (You didn't know I was that talented, did you?)

4. I'm going to prioritize. I don't have to do everything right now. Some things can wait. Some things won't get done. That's okay.

So, there's my Word of the Year. Are you going to pick a word? Did you make a resolution? Post a comment with a link if you wrote about it.


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