The idea of months away from work to just do stuff is sometimes overwhelming. For weeks, sometimes months, I walk around our house announcing that various things are going to get taken care of once it's summer. But, if we're being honest here, most of the stuff doesn't get done. It gets shelved in favor of vacation, spending time with friends, reading, and basically relaxing.
This summer, I'm making a list and checking it twice. I can't resist a good list and the feeling of accomplishment once something gets checked off.

2. Make Cupcake-Pops. These are from Bakerella and as soon as I laid my eyes on them, I feel in love. Seriously, l-o-v-e.
3. Finally rid our house of the various mismatched sheets, ill-fitting clothes, old dishes, cheap cutlery, you name it. It's going!
4. Update this blog more often!
5. Finish Little Man's 1st year scrapbook. On second thought: Finish all the scrapbooks that are half-finished. *wink* *wink* Smartest Man Alive. (I'm still working on his 30th birthday scrapbook two years later.)
...I'm sure I'll have other things to add as the weather starts warming up and summer approaches. What's on your to-do list?
I want one of the cupcake pops, please!
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