Saturday, February 20, 2010

Resolution Update

Posted by Sarah at Saturday, February 20, 2010
In January, I decided that I would try to be more "present" this year. I wanted to free myself from multi-tasking, disconnect from technology, and enjoy the moment. Such lofty goals.

I also promised to unplug once per week, prioritize my to-do list, and write about my experience once a month. Right off the bat, I think I should confess that after the first week I totally FORGOT all about the unplugging. However, the Lenten season is upon us and I have given up Facebook for a whole 40 days. Take that, time-sucking-technology!

I thought multi-tasking was going to be the hardest to give up, but I've felt so much more focused. It's a such a great feeling to just concentrate on what I'm doing, even if it's as simple as making Little Man's lunch. It's just intentional.

Prioritizing has been much harder to do. Perhaps other people have known this about me (and if you do, keep it to yourself), but I'm an impatient-obsessive-compulsive-micromanaging-mess. The house is a wreck: Major Meltdown; Little Man is sent to daycare without a change of clothes (which he later needs) and I'm ready to sob inconsolably for obviously being such a neglectful mother; The Smartest Man Alive shrugs his shoulders when I ask what he wants for dinner and he nearly gets a whack to the head. All of a sudden, I'm overwhelmed and wondering whatever happened to stopping to smell the roses.

It's just that I want everything done NOW and RIGHT and MY WAY. I honestly have never really realized this and considered myself rather easy-going. The Smartest Man Alive has always looked at me sideways and stifled a laugh when I mentioned this, but now I feel like I'm seeing myself in another way. Recognizing the problem is the first step, right?

I suppose that's the beauty of motherhood and this great "life" adventure is that you get to see yourself grow and change.


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