Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nine-Month Report Card

Posted by Sarah at Sunday, September 27, 2009
This is long over-due. We've finally returned from St. Louis and gotten settled. Grandma's service was beautiful and I truly appreciate all the condolences we have received.

Now, onto my favorite topic: Little Man.

*We went for his nine-month well-baby check-up and he weighs 20 pounds, 1 oz. He feels heavier than this, but that's what the scales at the doctor's office say.

*He's crawling like a mad-man now and is fascinated by the toilet, pantry, and garbage. In other words, he's a boy.

*He's pulling up on furniture and can even take a step while holding onto our hands.

*He knows the word "No," but hardly ever obeys it.

*His favorite food is blueberries.

*He feeds himself some finger foods, like wagon wheels, arrowroot cookies, and cheese puffs. The other foods he smears, drops, or randomly flings all over my kitchen.

*He is destructive -- seriously. He rips apart magazines, throws things, and is constantly "unpacking" anything that is neatly put away. Our living room looks like a war zone.

*His favorite activity is clapping.

*We have finished physical therapy and only need to go once more for a check-up. Yay!


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