So, just to catch you up on our exciting life, here's a few tidbits.
*To say Little Man hates the water would be an understatement. See evidence below:
Well, living in Florida I feel obligated to teach him to swim at an early age. After all, summer storms here can create the equivalent of Lake Michigan in your front yard after 10 minutes of rain. So, I signed him up for lessons at our local public pool. Unfortunately, the only lessons they had available before NEXT summer was scheduled for our first week back to school and, conveniently, during Little Man's nap time.
But, I like living on the edge. So, off we went. The first lesson was the worst. He cried for 20 minutes out of the 30 minute lesson. In his defense, he was tired and our swim instructor splashed him in the face almost immediately. In the end, he did much better, but I'm not sure we're going to continue the lessons this time. We've already been shown how to help him kick and float and we might just practice that on our own time. Then, we'll get lessons again next summer when he's a little bigger.
*I've adopted a Little Engine That Could mantra about going back to work. Since I've already done it once after maternity leave, I figured going back to work after summer break would be a breeze. But, it's not. Anytime you leave your baby it's tough. Whether you work one day a week or five. I'm trying to think of how lucky I am to have wonderful childcare and a job I love doing.
*I'm working on creating a dinner schedule each week. I usually wait until about 3 o'clock when I get home from school to decide what we're having for dinner. This leads to unnecessary grocery trips, an excess of take-out, and just general annoyance. This time, I'm just going to DO IT.
You will not be sorry about taking the time to do the dinner schedule. I know it sounds a little OCD and more work for the little downtime you have, but it makes life SOOOOO much easier.
I think you're wise to walk away from the swim lessons now. At this age, it's just about getting them used to the water ... and you can do that on your terms, when it's not nap time. Heath is happy in the pool for about 10 minutes, then he wants to get out. I'll take what I can get ... until he gets older and he's really able to learn how to kick and stroke and float. Then I'll shove it down his throat!
My 4-year-olds took swimming lessons for the first time this summer, and OMG. The screaming. Me, looking at swim instructors: "!!!!" Swim instructors, looking back at me: "!!!!"
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