Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Posted by Sarah at Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Little Man has been going to physical therapy once a week since he was about two months old. He has torticollis, a condition where his neck muscles aren't strengthened on one side, causing his head to tilt and creating a flat spot on his head. It's often caused by positioning in the womb, and doctors recommend physically therapy. But, a small percentage of babies need surgery to lengthen the neck muscle.

We've done all kinds of exercises at home and gone to weekly visits with a physical therapist. The goal of therapy is to strengthen his neck muscles so the tilt eventually disappears.

This week, we got great news from the physical therapist that he can decrease his therapy to twice a month! Hooray!

It's not that I mind taking him to therapy each week. It's actually kind of fun because the therapy is mainly exercises disguised as playing. But, when your baby is eight months old and still flops his head to one side, people start looking at you funny. Plus, it effects all sorts of other mobility milestones. As other babies his age are crawling, Little Man is still working up the strength to get moving.


Ma Bulldog on August 18, 2009 at 4:35 PM said...

That's great news!! Once he moves he will take off. Remember you never did crawl!

clueless but hopeful mama on August 30, 2009 at 4:23 PM said...

Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Zoe had torticollis pretty badly and we are thrilled to say that even though she was late to sit up, late to crawl and a bit late to walk, she doesn't have a single gross motor deficit at 3 years old.

Good work on the PT! And Ma Bulldog is right, once he starts moving he'll never stop!

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